Friday, March 13, 2015

February 22, 2015 Newborn & 1 Year Session

I love when clients re-book me to take more photos for them.  It is great getting to see how much everyone has changed from session to session.

Back in September I was booked by this family for a 6 month/family session.  Since our last session this adorable family has grown by 1!  Mom and Dad asked me to come out and take newborn pictures of their new precious little girl as well as some 1 year pictures of Big Brother.  

Both kids (and mom and dad) were wonderful to work with.  Baby girl spent a good chunk of the session sleeping, which is always a plus when it comes to photographing newborns.  Big brother kept mom and I pretty busy while taking his pictures.  During the session the little guy was trying so hard to figure out the best approach to getting my camera in between me setting up shots as well as he wanted to play with (and eat) the "toys" props that I had on hand.  Thanks Mom and Dad for helping with getting the little guy's attention from time to time!  :-)  This family (just like the last time) was an absolute pleasure to work with.  Thank you once again for having me capture these memories for you.   Congratulations on the beautiful new addition!  I hope everyone visiting enjoys looking at my work! 


Owl Hat w/ matching diaper cover from Knit At Home Mom

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